Welcome to "The Girl Back Home," a continuation of the ebook by the same name. This year, 2019, is the 50th Anniversary the letters that tell a story of young love during the Vietnam Era.
- Why use a blog to continue the ebook?
A blog can be updated daily; it allows posting of the letters on the exact day they were written fifty years ago. We thought you'd think that was pretty cool. - How do I can I read the letters from the day they started?
The ebook, "The Girl Back Home: a love story told through letters from Vietnam" is best described in the Review below by Author CW Spooner.
August 13, 2019
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Once you begin to read
Kate and Ted’s letters, it is impossible to stop. You are eavesdropping on a
young couple falling in love and you can’t help but root for them. And yet you
know the history of the war in Vietnam and a sense of foreboding hangs over
their relationship. You say a little prayer for two people you will never meet,
hoping against all odds there was a happy ending. And you can’t help projecting
from 1968 to 2019. How many stories like Kate and Ted’s are being written
today? Will there be future volumes titled, Letters from Iraq? Or Afghanistan?
Or Syria? Or [fill in the blank]. There is a line from “Where Have All the
Flowers Gone?” When will they ever learn? Thank you, Kate Kensington. We need
to be reminded from time to time.
The Rest of the Story
The question of whether or not Ted returned home, what happened to the relationship during the couple's time apart, and more will all be revealed when the last letter is posted. By following the letters we hope you will experience the thrill of falling in love all over again along with an understanding of the 60s from one couple's point of view. You will also have been part of a project that we hope will give insights into your own life.